
New Book by Dimitris Xygalatas

Dimitris Xygalatas, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Psychological Sciences at the University of Connecticut, recently published his new book titled “Ritual : How Seemingly Senseless Acts Make Life Worth Living”.

Brief description:

Ritual is rooted deep in our evolutionary history – and for good reason. Although ritual actions have no direct influence on the physical world, they can transform our inner world and play a decisive role in shaping our social reality. This book is a journey through the latest research on ritual, which reveals the its workings and the important functions it serves for individuals and their communities.

You can learn more about the book here:

Here’s a link to an interview with Dr. Xygalatas about the book on NPR.

Dimitris XygalatasRitual Book Cover

Charles Super on Global Science

A presentation by Charles Super is highlighted in a recent report by the U. S. National Academy of Sciences on International Perspectives in U.S. Psychological Science Journals. Prof Super “discussed why globalization of the profession and cultural considerations underlie the importance of international perspectives. He posed a question to the group, especially to journal editors and others who serve as gatekeepers: “Can we remain at the center of global psychology if we don’t let others in?” Super further pointed out that “most psychological constructs remain based on Euro-American folk theories, and ideas of development are rooted in Euro-American culture. How do we go from ethnoscience to global science?” Training students in the way things have always been done no longer suffices.” The full report can be found here.