Clewiston Challenger
Assistant Professor, School Counseling
Counseling Department, School of Community Health, Montclair State University

Paul Dworkin
Executive Vice President, Community-Child Health (Connecticut Children's Medical Center)
Professor and Department Head (UConn Health)

Claire Forest
Assistant Research Professor, Director of National Family Development Credential Program

Letitia Naigles
Professor, Vice President of the International Association for the Study of Child Language
Psychological Sciences

MaryAnn Perez-Brescia
Assistant Clinical Professor, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
School of Nursing

Nancy Schmieder Redeker
Professor, Interim Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship
School of Nursing

Marea Tsamaase
Lecturer, Coordinator of Child Development Laboratory
Faculty of Education, Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Botswana

Saskia van Schaik
Assistant Professor
Philosophy of Behavioural Sciences, Radboud University, The Netherlands