The Graduate Certificate in Culture, Health, and Human Development ensures students have a basic familiarity with the three core perspectives, provides them the opportunity to carry out and publish an integrative research project, and documents their accomplishment on their academic transcript.
Affiliated faculty and their colleagues teach a variety of courses that include aspects of culture, health, and human development. Listed here are graduate courses at UConn that are particularly relevant for students working toward the Graduate Certificate.
The CHHD Graduate Certificate, which is open only to graduate students already enrolled at the university, is built on the following courses:
- HDFS 5020, Culture, Health, and Human Development (seminar, required)
- HDFS 5031, Culture, Health, and Human Development Project (seminar, required)
In addition, students are required to take two other courses – chosen in consultation with the program director – that will round out their understanding of the three core areas. A list of suggested courses is in preparation and will be posted soon.