
UConn Today Article on CHHD Virtual Study Exchange

A recent article in UConn Today features the virtual study exchange program initiated by the CHHD with Radboud University in the Netherlands. Professor Sara Harkness is quoted describing the experience, “That’s the epitome of a wonderful class – when you have gathered, in one group, people who bring different life experiences and cultural backgrounds to share with each other and learn from each other.”

Read more about it here.

ongoing class at the CHHD with 6 students and Professor Harkness around a table and two students joining virtually visible on a big screen

New CHHD Undergraduate Minor

UConn undergraduate students will have the opportunity to enroll in a new interdisciplinary minor in Culture, Health, and Human Development (CHHD), beginning in Fall 2023. The new minor includes 54 designated classes offered by 17 departments in three of UConn’s schools and colleges, and is open to students majoring in any program. The CHHD minor will require completion of five classes distributed among the three clusters of Culture, Health, and Human Development. Students are encouraged to consult about their choice of courses with their home department academic advisors. The intent of the new CHHD minor is to foster an integrative cultural perspective on human development and health, including issues related to diversity both within and across populations.

According to the UConn Undergraduate Catalogue, the CHHD minor “can address gaps between the traditional disciplines … by providing students an opportunity to explore systematic relationships among culture, health, and human development.” Derek Houston, Department Head of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, points to the importance of culture in human communication, and says the CHHD minor “will set aspiring speech-language pathologists and audiologists on a path toward embracing cultural diversity in their future practices.”

The new minor is the product of collaboration between the Center for the Study of Culture, Health, and Human Development, and faculty, department heads, and deans from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources, and the College of Nursing. Professor Charles Super, co-director of the CHHD, led the effort to create this educational opportunity for undergraduates. The CHHD has offered an interdisciplinary Graduate Certificate since its establishment in 1998.

You can learn more about the minor and its requirements here: chhd.uconn.edu/chhd-minor/ .

New Family Development Credential (FDC) Instructors Certified

Members of the National Family Development Credential (NFDC) team (Sue Pappas, Caroline Mavridis, & Amy Knight) conducted a four-day NFDC Instructor Institute in Storrs, certifying 25 new FDC instructors from across the country – from California to New York, and in between (Oklahoma). Charles Super delivered the closing ceremony remarks. NFDC, founded and directed by Claire Forest, and co-directed by Charles Super, is a 90-hour classroom- and field-based training on concepts and skills of family empowerment for all front-line service providers. It has operated since 1994 and has been headquartered at the UConn Center for the Study of Culture, Health, & Human Development since 2010. About 17,000 workers have been credentialed and NFDC now operates in 46 states.

Baby’s sleep

Super, C. M., Blom, M. J. M., Harkness, S., Ranade, N., & Londhe, L. (2021). Culture and the organization of infant sleep: A study in the Netherlands and the U.S.A. Infant Behavior and Development, 64. doi: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2021.101620.

The Development of Prejudice (>35,000 downloads!)

New publication:  Brenick, A., Schachner, M. K., Carvalheiro, D., & Karr, E. (2020). (No) space for prejudice! Varied forms of negative outgroup attitudes and ethnic discrimination and how they develop or can be prevented in the classroom. In H. E. Fitzgerald, D. J. Johnson, D. B. Qin, F. A. Villarruel, & J. Norder, Handbook of children and prejudice (p. 315-330).